Then we had a exam... not very exciting. After that, it has been just packing up and a lovely hike yesterday. (I sent my camera-computer cable home, so no downloads) .
I am off to Tromso now, and then some traveling in the Lofoten Islands!
Track the adventures in research of soil ecology in Antarctica.
The first place, Alkhornet (above), had incredible cliffs full of nesting auks and guillemots.
(Click here to learn more about guillemots, and click here to hear their call!)
The next day we went to Sassen Valley (right) and did similar measurements, then cruised past a huge glacier (left) and saw a ringed seal, hauled out on a small iceberg.
(Click here to learn more about ringed seals.)
(Click here to learn more about puffins, and click here to hear their call!)
It's very strange to see the building still in good condition with belongings still in the rooms and dead plants hanging in the windows. It was abandoned in 1998, when the coal ran out, and most of the people were moved to Barentsburg.
My class of students put together a Friday night group dinner of pizza, with homemade dough, directed by the Italians. We took two really wonderful hikes, one was to the highest peak around the area-- Nordenskioldfjellet. And I did some swimming in the very nice, 25 m, pool here.Then, I got to meet former President Jimmy Carter. He was here with some climate change scientists discussing what was happening locally and globally and cruising around on the National Geographic (ship) Endeavour. He came to the local m
useum, which is next door to the school, so I and another student walked up to the Secret Service and asked if we could meet him. He was very nice, looking a bit old, but still sprightly and cordial. He also visited the Global Seed Vault.
Elizabeth is now up in Svalbard, Norway! She says:There are 13 students from all over Europe, several from Norway, and only me from the US. We have lectures in the morning and lab in the afternoon. We toured the German icebreaker-research vessel, Polarstern, on Friday. Next week will have some field excursions to nearby valleys and will do a couple days of cruising as well later on. We are looking at both marine and terrestrial/aquatic microorganisms with PCR and various digestion methods.
The group of students have taken a couple great local hikes, after we got access to rifles with which to protect us from polar bears. On our first day we had to do target practice and safety instructions with the rifles and then swimming in immersion suits in the harbor. However, the bears are protected so you have to demonstrate afterwards that your life was in danger otherwise you are fined for shooting and killing a bear. On the other hand, the reindeer are very tame and wander through town in ones and twos. They don't really have any predators so they are not afraid.
The scenery here is spectacular, steep mountains, glaciers, braided rivers in flatbottomed valleys, the fjord right here. And the town is very pretty in some ways. Since there is no green grass it always looks like early spring with barren soil and mining debris. But the houses are very nice.