Friday, March 22, 2024

Feliz cumpleaños, Angelica

Today is Angelica's birthday! 

Last night, we decorated the dining room so that she would wake up to a festive birthday celebration. In Antarctica, you can't just pop out to the store to buy decorations, so we had to make them from whatever we could find around the station. We made balloons from lab gloves, streamers from labeling tape, paper flowers from Kimwipes, and a birthday banner from absorbent pads! It was a group effort. We had to work hard to keep her from coming in to ruin the surprise!

This morning, we were greeted by a beautiful birthday sunrise over Fildes Bay!

The cooks made a beautiful birthday cake that we all got to enjoy. It's amazing what they can do with the meager ingredients we have down here!

So far, Angelica is having a great birthday. And, we all got to eat cake for breakfast!