Elizabeth Traver!
Here is ET's victory shot, taken on day 5 in the field last week at Lake Fryxell. Please notice her elegant form, superior height, and blatant disregard for gravity.
My thanks go out to those who voted! Some highlights of comments made during the voting:
"[All] achieve great heights, both literally and stylistically."
"That is some quality natural hair product he’s got going on there."
"...But nobody has a good Edward Scissorhands 'do."
"The curly head looked too much like my hair on a good day."
Today, Elizabeth and I are supposed to go back to the field for two days. We'll be staying at Lake Hoare, one of the lake basins in Taylor Valley that we've not yet visited. But, it's currently windy and snowing, so we're still sitting in McMurdo on weather hold. Hopefully we'll get back out today...