Well, this is Elizabeth's and my last full day on Antarctica! This continent is such an amazingly beautiful, unique place. There was no way I could include all of the great photographs that I've taken since I got here. Here is a random sample of some other interesting photos I've taken over the past two months. Enjoy!
Taylor Glacier, where it meets Lake Bonney in Taylor Valley:

The three postdocs discover the station sign, cleverly hidden behind a lot of buildings and not at all visible to the public:

Myself and Elizabeth in the field one sunny afternoon:

What happens when you let a helicopter pilot get a hold of your camera:

Standing at the base of Canada Glacier, looking straight up:

Myself and Elizabeth working on some soil samples in the lab:

A sample of the underwater life living below the Ross Sea Ice. These guys are currently living in the touch-tank in the aquarium in the lab:

On the left: What Elizabeth was doing in the field one afternoon on Lake Fryxell.
On the right: What Becky was doing while Elizabeth was working in the field that afternoon on Lake Fryxell.

It's late in the summer, and the sun is dipping lower onto the horizon. We're getting close to having a sunset! That signals that the end of the field season is near.

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